Club Bulletin
Jun 23, 2023
A Whole Lot or Dinking Going On!
SPORTIME Hempstead Lake's were packed with Dinkers and Droppers from across the island at our 1st Mega Clinic. What started as a beginner clinic quickly become more of an ex-Tennis players guide to stop doing what they are used to doing. Driving the ball, power hitting is not the name of the game in Pickle and it is truly a humbling experience.
The focus to stop and slow your roll on the court is easier said than done. Beginners probably did better than the Intermediates did since there is no need to undo bad habits on the court. The day began with precautionary tales why you should keep the ball low. Any intermediate pickleballer knows how tasty those donuts are.
Overall a successful day and smiles all around. Drills then point games and king/queen of the court. Play and instruction was lively and we can't wait to do it again. To find out more about SPORTIME's Pickleball Clinics, Tournaments and Parties, visit www.sportimeny.com/pickleball and click on EVENTS.