Bethpage Tennis
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SPORTIME Bethpage Tennis now offers hybrid tennis/pickleball courts, featuring open play, court rentals, tournaments, and more. Whether you're a tennis enthusiast or a pickleball fan, you'll find everything you need to enjoy your favorite sport at SPORTIME Bethpage. Join us for a unique and dynamic playing experience!
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Showing 2 results

Private Group Pickleball Lessons
For players who want to curate their own learning experience, a private group allows you to put together your own group of friends and playing partners and work with a coach of your choosing. Enjoy highly personalized attention from our skilled coaches, focusing on fundamentals, court positioning and strategy.
Ages: 18+

Private Pickleball Lessons
Private lessons offer one-on-one instruction with a SPORTIME Pickleball coach. This most personalized approach allows the instructor to focus specifically on your needs, skill level, and areas for improvement. Private lessons are ideal for individuals who prefer individualized attention and who want to progress at their own pace or who want to acquire basic skills as quickly as possible before attempting group play.
Ages: 18+